Friday, August 3, 2007

Pictures of the Gardens

Thanks to those who have asked to see what the gardens around our home look like. I am adding these pictures from the front and back yards, all taken in the last few days. You will have to use your imaginations to "see" the insects because I don't have a camera that can do nice closeups that close. We live on a half-acre lot and have less than a quarter acre still in grass.

You may click on pictures to enlarge.

Back Yard Back Yard

Back Yard

Same as previous picture, I can't figure out how to remove it.

Back Yard

Rain Garden at end of Driveway
This catches a signficant amount of rain water that had flowed from the
driveway into the backyard during hard rains.

Rain Garden

Front Yard
Looking into planted "woodlot"

Front Yard
Looking towards house

Front Yard
Looking towards house
Hope you enjoyed the tour. When we first moved here 18 or so years ago there was nothing but grass planted. The landsccape has changed and so have the creatures who now also call this bit of earth home.

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